
Compiled, researched and written by Gary Lundeen ’75. Please send any additions and/or corrections and vintage photos to the NavyLights Staff Historian.

1V W- L-
2V W- L-
1F W- L-

EARC Championships

1V 2V 1F
Grand Grand Grand
1- Harvard 1- Harvard 1- Dartmouth

Jope Cup : Harvard

Coach: Patrick J. (Pat) Manion, LTJG, [UCLA ’85]
Plebe Coach: Henry W. Jentz II [USNA ’82]
Officer Rep: Henry W. Jentz II [USNA ’82]; Daniel J. Valaik [USNA ’83]
Captain: Alexander R. MacKenzie ’91
Manager: Douglas D. Zimbelman ’91
Spirit: Michael A. Kuypers ’91