4/23/2009 Navy LItes 74-78 Reunion ’09

Navy LItes 74-78 Reunion ’09

Details here that Gary Provides

Schedule (will be continuously updated with new ideas and items)

Please forward suggested agenda items to meeting@usnaout.org

Please RSVP before 11:30 on Saturday so we know how much pizza and salad to order, but you can show up anyway even if you can’t RSVP on time. You can also RSVP by calling Gary at

Navy LItes 74-78 Reunion ’09

Details here that Gary Provides

Schedule (will be continuously updated with new ideas and items)

Please forward suggested agenda items to meeting@usnaout.org

Please RSVP before 11:30 on Saturday so we know how much pizza and salad to order, but you can show up anyway even if you can’t RSVP on time. You can also RSVP by calling Gary at

* first name:
* last name:
* your email:
* RSVP Number in Party:

For lunch to be served during the meeting:
Do you want pizza? YesNo
Do you want salad? YesNo
* required fields